Lent 2021 - Social Media Cleanse
Hi friends!
So, lent is tomorrow and I’ve admittedly never quit anything (that I remember) for lent. I’ve been growing in my faith/practice, and lent is the perfect excuse to take a break from social media (particularly Facebook and Twitter) until Easter - maybe longer.
I don’t think it’s a great thing to be able to compare so much (purposely or not), many of the smartest people I know don’t even have or use Facebook, and giving away my data for free to a company like Facebook just doesn’t sit well with me. I’ve quit instagram and snapchat years ago (see articles like this on mental health reasoning), but Facebook/Twitter have somehow stuck… until today!
As you may have noticed from my last post, Ann-Marie & I have started a new chapter of our lives with our baby girl (3 weeks on Friday). So, rather than me documenting everything on Facebook for the world to see, I’ll be documenting everything on Adora’s little static website we’ve created, which feels a lot more practical in that anyone can access it, online or offline (once downloaded), and it will always exist in it’s form to be viewed (which is cool).
I’m likely going to be sending out occasional e-mails to close friends/family, so if you want to be included on any email updates, just contact me in some way in the “ways to contact” below, and send me your e-mail. I will not have access to Facebook or Twitter, so don’t post or message me here.
Ways to contact:
- Cell: 8432901198
- E-mail: marcaochsner@gmail.com
- Telegram: @mochsner / 8432901198
- Signal: 8432901198
- Keybase: https://keybase.io/mochsner
- Posting at the bottom of the blog post
Signing off, Marc
P.S. You are loved, therefore you are awesome. Stay awesome.