#100DaysOfCode - Day 15: .NET Blazor

#100DaysOfCode - Day 15: .NET Blazor

1 min

Woo!! I’m officially on week 3 of 15!! :tada: Per usual, huge shout-out to my wife, Ann-Marie, for helping me commit the time towards doing development every day.

Today, beyond development at work, the back of my mind has been contemplating some best ways that I can develop a web application quickly, with a deadline (for the required items) of next Friday. I’m looking to develop a Secret Santa application, and ideally want to create something I can re-use, whether in my profession, or for personal projects.

I have an idea of what the technologies I want to use are, but I still started by generating an outline of the scope of requirements:

- [ ] At runtime, generate a list of the users and communicate (email?) out to those users their information

- [ ] Ability to be able to communicate between users (e.g. e-mail or text) / Anonymous chat functionality
- [ ] Create links associated with your profile (e.g. Items), with a price associator, to share with the 'Secret' Santa.
    - [ ] Likely e-mail a confirmation pin, rather than logins, for security purposes?
- [ ] Decent UI/UX

- [ ] Ability for others to reuse this deployment on same instance
- [ ] Ability for other developers to easily deploy and use this code

In terms of implementation, I’ve then also listed out some of the technologies that I’m leaning towards:

  • .NET Core (leaning away from Django or Flask because I need to be quick)
  • MySQL / MariaDB / GraphQL
  • Entity Framework vs. GraphQL.NET vs. HotChocolate
  • Blazor? New to me, but may have benefits
  • Angular vs AngularJS for additional routing?

There’s still a lot to be researched on this, but I’ve very excited to start on this coding project bright and early tomorrow!

Happy Coding!

~ Moxnr

Written on November 6, 2020